Katoen Natie is the largest logistics service provider in Europe and one of the main logistics partners in the world. Katoen Natie's network consists of over 400 operating units, with more than 150 terminals and logistics platforms, employing more than 10,000 people who actively operate in all parts of the world. Thanks to the joint use of cutting-edge engineering and technological solutions, the company is able to offer all over the world, tailor-made solutions for various industrial sectors including the various sectors of the DIY sector; the chemical and automotive industries, and consumer goods.
KATOEN NATIE : Van Aerdstraat , Phone +32 3 221 6811 - Fax. +32 3 221 6810 - info@katoennatie.com

An agile and modern company with a solid international network, Coface is a point of reference in credit insurance and risk management. With over 70 years of experience among industry leaders, a team of 4100 experts serving 50,000 companies, Coface follows the pace of the global economy. Our ambition is to become the industry's most agile international credit insurance partner.

COFACE ag. Macerata : Via Trento 33 - 62100 Macerata , Phone +39 0733 261328 - alessandro.micucci@coface.it

Your Field Marketing Agency for In Store Promotion, Merchandising and Logistics Services
We support companies in the field of operational marketing: from In Store promotion, to Merchandising, Sales Forces networks up to the creation of P.O.P materials and promotional logistics. We are able to directly cover the national territory (including islands).

RUNNER MARKETING S.r.l.: Via Caduti del Lavoro, 11, – 46010 Mantova, Tel. +39 0376 290534 - runnermarketing@legalmail.it - C.F. / P.Iva 02414230207

Ithaca Studio was born from the well-established experience of a team that had already been working together for years and from the addition of new professionals.
Thus was born an agency highly specialized in the world of strategic and operational marketing, which makes use of the interaction of specialists with different training that give life to a structure divided into areas: consulting & strategy, social & marketing, graphic design, web solutions & It.

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ITHACA S.r.l. : Via San Giusto, 1, c/o Cerea (VR) Tel. +39 0442 752683 - info@ithacastudio.it C.F. / P.iva 04721900233

Warrant Hub, part of Tinexta Group, is the leading consulting firm for innovation, digital transformation and sustainable development of companies. With over 30 years of experience, more than 1,000 collaborators and a portfolio of 10,000 clients, Warrant Hub also stands out for its network of partnerships in various industrial sectors and its offer of integrated services.
Headquartered in Correggio (RE) and with an international presence, Warrant Hub positions itself as a key partner for companies by offering diversified services, including financial consultancy, digital innovation, energy sustainability and training courses, highlighting its complete reliability in guiding companies through complex challenges.

WARRANT HUB S.p.A.: Corso Mazzini, 11 - 42015 Correggio (RE) Tel. +39 0522 733 711 - C.F. / P.Iva 02182620357

Breplast is a company that produces and sells recycled plastic granules from post-consumer packaging, certified 100% post-consumer and made for different applications.
Breplast granule is 100% (*) PCR certified, with quality and standards guaranteed by laboratory tests on each batch.
The Breplast team offers 360° assistance and support: from the choice of polymer to the development of solutions for the optimal use of the PCR granule, from color research to the study of the design of the final product.
BREPLAST S.p.A.: Via Primo Levi, 1- 27049 Stradella (PV) Tel. +39 0385 277099