MADE4DIY is an official member of HIMA network
From September 2013 the consortium MADE4DIY became member of Fediyma (European Federation of DIY Manufacturers, now called HIMA - Home Improvement Manufacturers Association); asofficial member MADE4DIY has privileged access to the more relevant information and data on the European market of DIY and gardening, as well as all the services offered by the Federation. Moreover, every year MADE4DIY participates in congresses and events that Fediyma organizes in collaboration with EDRA.
HIMA - Home Improvement Manufacturers Association
HIMA is the name given from 2020 to the previous Fediyma, thath was created in 2000 by the members BHETA, Herstellerverband Haus & Garten and Unibal. The federation was founded as a response to the increasing globalization of the European market, with the objective of providing pratical support and increase the competitiveness of companies that operate in the sectors of DIY and gardening.
After 20 years of successful operations, Fediyma changed her name in Home Improvement Manufacturers Association HIMA, with an expanded industry mission.
HIMA is an international network of over 1000 suppliers and manufacturers of home improvement, DIY, gardening, building materials and furniture industries across the globe.
The home improvement industry has undergone a significant transformation over the past decade. The face of the market is quickly evolving, and manufacturers must adapt to new shifts in demographics, attitudes and end consumer preferences. The reality is that business is becoming ever more complex at a greater speed.
In order to create a suitable environment for organisations to prepare for the next level of change and complexity, HIMA has decided to implement a new strategy. “We enable our members to face the future” is the mission of the association, which stands on three pillars: Networking, Knowledge and Lobbying
Developing DIY Market Data
The European DIY and Gardening market is particularly difficult to monitor. Distribution channels differ, retailers are quite dissimilar, and last but not least, market definitions are not aligned. Thus, an important objective is to bring clarity to the statistics on DIY and Gardening in Europe and to update the community on new trends.
With all the information assets we have, we will help you to better understand the new consumer path to purchase in our industry and the latest trends in spending behaviour. Equally important is to understand the similarities and differences between European countries.
Using Political Weight
HIMA represents more than 78% of the whole European DIY market as the national associations forming part of it sum over 850 member companies approximately. A major objective of our federation is to bring together all stakeholders of our industry and represent their interests at an EU level in Brussels. For this purpose, a strong link has been established with the European DIY-Retail Association (EDRA) in the past years. The two associations have reached substantial achievements cooperating together such as the Code of Conduct signed in Brussels in October 2014.
HIMA communicates to all the DIY stakeholders: suppliers, retailers, media, financial world, service providers, among others. Therefore, the Federation provides its members with valuable opportunities for dialogue and exchange with retailers, suppliers and other trade associations around the world, as well as opportunities to pursue the development of trade on an European and Global scale. The Global DIY Summit, organised jointly with EDRA and ghin, is a result of these efforts.